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6 Organizations Providing Healing Resources to BIPOC

6 Organizations Providing Healing Resources to BIPOC

June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
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As a young brand in an industry that has long been steeped in racism, sexism, and economic inequality, it is our responsibility to acknowledge the injustices embedded in hospitality and drinking culture.

We want to hold ourselves accountable to ensure our anti-racism education reverberates beyond this current moment. Anti-racism work is never over. From our internal team, to our partners and freelance creatives we work with now and in the future, we are committed to amplifying BIPOC voices through diverse and inclusive hiring practices, creative campaigns, and editorial voices.

At AMASS, we believe in taking care of our community-mentally and physically-and want to support organizations that share that same value. Right now is an incredibly painful, exhausting time for the Black community, who often have little or no access to healthcare, a long-standing reality that's recently been exposed by COVID and its disproportionate impact on BIPOC. The following non-profit organizations are doing the important work of providing therapy and other healing resources to BIPOC right now:

The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network is committed to increasing access to healing justice resources for Queer and Trans BIPOC.

The Griffin-Gracy Educational Retreat & Historical Center offers a transformative and healing space for Trans BIWOC.

The Black AIDS Institute provides resources and support for Black folx living with HIV.

Harriet's Apothecary creates accessible, affordable, and inclusive community healing spaces for BIPOC.

Unplug is a digital space where Black and Brown womxn and non-binary folx can share their stories without being silenced or censored.

The Loveland Therapy Fund provides financial assistance to Black women and girls seeking therapy.


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