Hard Seltzers



Hard Seltzers



Written by

Corey Epstein



(Hibiscus syriacus)

(Hibiscus syriacus)

Sep 29, 2021
Sep 29, 2021
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Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) is a flowering plant in the Malvaceae family native to warm temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions throughout the world. There are several hundred known species of hibiscus, and their culinary significance can be felt across cultures.

In the collective imagination, hibiscus is closely tied to Hawaii. The state's flower, yellow hibiscus has long been worn by Hawaiian girls as a marker of their relationship status: placed behind the left ear and the woman is married, behind the right and she is single. The beautiful buds are not only used to signify singlehood, however. The striking appearance of hibiscus flowers makes them a popular plant in landscaping, used to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds alike.

The colorful plant is often cultivated for its fibers, which are used extensively in papermaking as well as in the production of rope and canoe floats. In the Philippines, children sometimes use hibiscus to make bubbles. The flowers and leaves are crushed until the sticky juices run out, and hollow papaya stalks are dipped and used as straws to blow bubbles.

The flower's creative uses don't stop there. Hibiscus extracts and leaves can help alleviate a dry scalp, and with the addition of some water, a grinder, and a little elbow grease, you can make your own DIY hibiscus shampoo. A more common usage for the plant is as a tea, which is enjoyed across cultures in the form of agua de jamaica in Mexico and bissap in West Africa. Served both hot and cold, hibiscus tea is beloved for its tart, refreshing flavor.

Throughout India, the red hibiscus appears frequently in artistic depictions of the Hindu goddess Kali, often with the goddess and the flower merging in form. Hibiscus as we know it today is the result of hybridization over the course of several centuries and across regions, which is why it's no surprise that we see the botanical hold such a significant role in cuisines and cultures around the world. Unlike other flowers that add a delicate sweetness to drinks and dishes, hibiscus imbues a bright, vibrant tartness to everything it touches.

Found in: AMASS Dry Gin


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